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Alpaz uses

Pharmacological action

Alpaz is a sleeping drug from group of cyclopyrrolone derivatives. This drug is "non benzodiazepine" agonist of benzodiazepine receptors. Alpaz also has sedative, anxiolytic, muscle-relaxing center, anticonvulsant and amnesic properties. Like a derivative of benzodiazepine Alpaz enhances GABA-ergic processes in the brain, interacting with the benzodiazepine receptors, as a result of the increased sensitivity of GABA-receptors to the neurotransmitter. However, Alpaz apparently interacts with other parts of the benzodiazepine receptor than benzodiazepines.

Alpaz reduced sleep time, reduces the number of nighttime awakenings, increases total sleep time. This medication almost has no effect on sleep structure, does not reduce significantly the amount of REM sleep. Consequences of the phenomenon of waking up are missing or expressed little. Readmission Alpaz are not accompanied by cumulation.


Alpaz rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Cmax achieved within 1-3 hours. Alpaz easily passes through gistogematicheskie barriers including the BBB and it is distributed in organs and tissues including brain. T1/2 is 5.5-6 hours, not accumulates.

Why is Alpaz prescribed?

Sleep disturbance, transient, situational or chronic insomnia; sleep disturbances in mental disorders, bronchial asthma with nocturnal seizures (in combination with single dose daily dose of theophylline).

Dosage and administration

The average therapeutic dose of Alpaz is 7.5 mg orally at night, in cases of severe insomnia the dose can be increased up to 15 mg. In elderly patients, as well as abnormal liver function is used 3.75 mg.

Alpaz side effects, adverse reactions

Digestive system: a feeling of bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting.

CNS: dizziness, headache, drowsiness, confusion, anterograde amnesia, hallucinations, nightmares.

Dermatologic reactions: skin rash.


Alpaz contraindications

Severe respiratory failure, pregnancy, lactation, children and teens under 15 years old, hypersensitivity to Alpaz.

Using during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Alpaz is contraindicated during pregnancy (especially in I and III trimester) and lactation (breastfeeding). If a woman uses Alpaz in III trimester of pregnancy there are possible violations of the nervous system in the newborn, the emergence of withdrawal syndrome. If the woman is prescribed by a doctor took Alpaz immediately prior to labor and delivery, it needs a constant medical surveillance for the newborn. At the time of treatment it should be stoped breastfeeding (zopiclone penetrates into breast milk).

Special instructions

With caution use in patients with severe liver failure.

Risk of drug dependence is minimal if the duration of Alpaz did not exceed 4 weeks. However, the potential danger of Alpaz dependence to exist.

During the period of treatment patients should to exclude the use of alcohol.

On the next day after taking the drug it should be cautious to drive and operate machinery.

Alpaz drug interactions

Simultaneous administration of Alpaz with trimipramine reduces the concentration of trimipramine in plasma and its effect.

Alpaz increases the influence of CNS depressants.

Alpaz in case of emergency / overdose

Symptoms: CNS depression of varying severity (from drowsiness to loss of consciousness).

Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated charcoal, if necessary - symptomatic therapy. As a specific antidote used benzodiazepine receptor antagonist flumazenil (in hospital). Hemodialysis is ineffective.


Alpaz pharmaceutical active ingredients containing related brand and generic drugs:

Alpaz available forms, composition, doses:

Alpaz destination | category:

Alpaz Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical codes:

Alpaz pharmaceutical companies:



  1. "zopiclone". (accessed August 28, 2018).
  2. "zopiclone". (accessed August 28, 2018).
  3. "zopiclone: The NCI Development Therapeutics Program (DTP) provides services and resources to the academic and private-sector research communities worldwide to facilitate the discovery and development of new cancer therapeutic agents.". (accessed August 28, 2018).

Frequently asked Questions

Can i drive or operate heavy machine after consuming Alpaz?

Depending on the reaction of the Alpaz after taken, if you are feeling dizziness, drowsiness or any weakness as a reaction on your body, Then consider Alpaz not safe to drive or operate heavy machine after consumption. Meaning that, do not drive or operate heavy duty machines after taking the capsule if the capsule has a strange reaction on your body like dizziness, drowsiness. As prescribed by a pharmacist, it is dangerous to take alcohol while taking medicines as it exposed patients to drowsiness and health risk. Please take note of such effect most especially when taking Primosa capsule. It's advisable to consult your doctor on time for a proper recommendation and medical consultations.

Is Alpaz addictive or habit forming?

Medicines are not designed with the mind of creating an addiction or abuse on the health of the users. Addictive Medicine is categorically called Controlled substances by the government. For instance, Schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US are controlled substances.

Please consult the medicine instruction manual on how to use and ensure it is not a controlled substance.In conclusion, self medication is a killer to your health. Consult your doctor for a proper prescription, recommendation, and guidiance.


Review conducted a study on Alpaz, and the result of the survey is set out below. It is noteworthy that the product of the survey is based on the perception and impressions of the visitors of the website as well as the views of Alpaz consumers. We, as a result of this, advice that you do not base your therapeutic or medical decisions on this result, but rather consult your certified medical experts for their recommendations.

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